Internal Clubs Chair
1. Be appointed for one Club year.
2. Serve on committees as designated.
3. Facilitates member led activity groups known as “Internal Clubs” and assists with coordinating ERSC events.
4. Host a table at Super Sign-up so that members can sign up for each club.
5. Host a table at the first few socials (at the discretion of the board) so that members who missed Super Sign-up can have the opportunity to sign up for clubs.
6. Organize the info into rosters and distribute it to members that have volunteered to be POC for each club.
7. If you do not have a POC for a club, send an email out to each person that signed up for that club asking for a volunteer.
8. The Internal Clubs Chair is responsible for filtering information from new members and connecting them with the POCs for the clubs.
9. Update social media monthly with dates of each club event.
10. Notify in writing the Communication Chair of the time, date, and location of all special activities and News Letter production and distribution. 11. Recruits activity group leaders and facilities networking and publicity. 12. Provides Activities and Opportunities info at monthly socials, coordinating with the governing board to promote participation and volunteerism among members.
13. Manages loan of ERSC goods to activity groups.
14. Will maintain keys for building 1108 room18A/B.
Membership and Reservations Chair
When the size of the membership deems it appropriate, this position may be split into two separate chairs; (1) Membership and (2) Reservations when deemed necessary by the VP of Administrative Operations and with the approval of the Executive Team.
1. As Membership:
a) Be appointed for one Club year.
b) Serve on committees as designated in Appendix II.
c) Verify eligibility and enroll all members; maintain the membership forms and database roster.
(1) The ERSC General Membership roster is the sole property of the ERSC, and will not be sold or loaned. All personal membership information will be maintained with the strictest confidentiality.
d) Provide a listing of names from the membership roster to the Reservations Chair no later than the reservations deadline for the month.
e) Prepare and distribute, via Email, membership directory no later than the December General Membership Meeting.
Social Chair
1. Be appointed for one Club year.
2. Serve on committees as designated in Appendix II.
3. Prepare theme and an outline of programs for the Club year, with the approval of the ERSC Board, and include the approved programs in the first monthly media outlet of the Club year and in the ERSC membership directory.
4. Book dates with the social facility for all ERSC functions after coordinating with the VP of Admin.
5. Chair the Social Committee, whose purpose is:
a) Selecting and arranging catering, drinks, prizes, decorations, and program activities for each social.
b) Coordinating and executing all set-ups, decorations and clean-up for all General Membership functions.
6. Coordinating closely with the Volunteer Coordinator to maintain a list of volunteer positions/available time slots on ERSC’s volunteer sign-up genius
a) In absence of a Volunteer Coordinator, work with the Webmaster to ensure volunteer positions/available time slots are listed on ERSC’s website.
7. Coordinate closely with the Public Relations Chair to advertise the event information.
Charitable Outreach/ Volunteer Chair
1. Be appointed for one Club year.
2. Serve on committees as designated.
3. Establish a Charitable Grant guideline at the beginning of the board year and present it to the Governing Board for approval. The guideline must include:
a) Open and close date for Charitable Grant solicitation.
b) Eligibility criteria for those wishing assistance
c) Disbursement formula for available funds
d) Distribution plan
(1) Charitable Grant fund disbursements from the Governing Board not to exceed $1000 in a board year (June-May).
e) Disbursements must be voted on and approved by the ERSC Governing Board.
f) Present to the General Membership the approved slate of Charitable Grant disbursements and sponsor a vote by the General Membership to approve the recommendations as approved by the Governing Board.
g) Coordinate with the Treasurer the issuance of checks for all approved community assistance disbursements.
4. Appoint and preside over a Charitable Outreach Committee to:
a) Review Charitable Grant requests and disbursements.
b) Organization and coordination of the ERSC’s participation with Wreaths Across America.
c) Organization and coordination of the ERSC’s participation with Honor Flight.
d) At the discretion of the Governing Board, Coordinate Community assistance drives to be held at designated ERSC socials for the benefit of military or local community organizations (food pantries,
New Parent Support Program, etc.).
5. Provide information regarding availability of funds and procedures to request funds to both the Newsletter Editor and the Public Relations for timely advertisement. Maintain an online listing for all members interested in volunteering/outreach opportunities via the Club,contacting them directly with opportunities.
6. Serve as Operation Point of Contact (OPOC) for ERSC Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS) account. Will ensure that correct and up to date volunteer records are kept on VMIS for all Board members.
7. Serve as the liaison with the JBER Volunteer Coordinator to attend all meetings, submission of volunteers for awards and to get involved in the JBER Community.
8. Be responsible for the timely and accurate submission of volunteer award nominations to the JBER Volunteer Coordinator.
Scholarship Chair
1. Be appointed for one Club year.
2. Serve on committees as designated in Appendix II.
3. Establish a scholarship awards guideline at the beginning of the board year and present to the Governing Board for approval. The guideline must include:
a) Open and close date for Scholarship awards solicitation
b) Eligibility criteria for those wishing scholarship awards.
c) Proposed disbursement formula for available funds.
d) Distribution plan.
4. Appoint and preside over the Scholarship Guidelines Committee and Scholarship Selection Committee.
5. Assist with review and consideration of scholarship awards and disbursements. The Scholarship Committee will be governed by ERSC Bylaws.
6. Provide information regarding availability of funds and application process to the Communication Chair for timely advertisement.
7. Coordinate with the Treasurer the issuance of checks for all approved scholarship award disbursements to the recipient.
Country Fair Chair
1. Be appointed for one Club year.
2. Serve on committees as designated in Appendix II.
3. Be responsible for planning and operation of the Country Fair. 4. Appoint sub-committee chairpersons who are Club members in good standing to include a Vendor, MP, Door Prize and Volunteer coordinator.
5. Request approval from the JBER Vice Wing Commander to conduct the Country Fair.
6. Coordinate with Board members to include but not limited to the Secretary, Treasurer, Communication chair regarding their area of responsibility concerning the Country Fair. In coordination with Parliamentarian, shall ensure the use of a gaming permit as required by Alaska law for all Games of Chance, if deemed necessary.
7. Submit promptly to the Treasurer all monies and file all receipts received. 8. Provide a fire prevention plan to the JBER Fire Chief and obtain approval prior to the opening of the Country Fair.
9. Ensure requisite number of volunteers to adhere to JBER Fire Prevention crowd control standards are properly trained prior to event execution and requisite number of qualified volunteers are present throughout the duration of the event.
10. Be responsible for coordination with JBER military police and security forces if event is open to the public.
11. Coordinate with the Alaska Military Youth Academy for additional logistical support of the ERSC Country Fair.
12. Provide subsequent Country Fair chairperson with an accurate listing of “blacklisted” vendors to ensure vendors barred from participation in the country fair are not admitted (prior to placing on list, Country Fair Chair sends a certified letter with president’s signature to ensure vendor is
made aware of their status).
Communications Chair
1. Be appointed for one Club year.
2. Serve on committees as designated in Appendix II.
3. Maintain the official ERSC scrapbook and make available to reproduce by the close of membership year.
4. Be responsible for the photography at all ERSC functions.
a) Maintain a disc of all digital photographs to be submitted to the successor.
5. Submit digital copies of photos from ERSC functions to the Public Relations Chair, Webmaster and Newsletter Editor for their use.
6. Arrange for an official photograph of the ERSC Governing Board.
7. Attend RSC Board meetings and General Membership meetings.
8. Post to Social Media the pictures from events
9. Process and provide prints of any Club events and activities as requested by the Communications Team.
10. Publicize and create all graphics information concerning Club- sponsored events and activities, as approved by the President, VP of Communications and/or other Committee Chairpersons.
11. Maintain, update and act as ERSC Social Media Accounts Administrator along with the President, VP of Communications, and Parliamentarian. Additional social media editors, moderators, and contributors may be selected at the discretion of the Communications Chair and with the approval of the VP of Communications.
12. Notify the Army and Air Force Public Affairs Office (PAO) or be
personally responsible for the advertising of all Club-sponsored
events. Publication on television and radio is authorized, once approved by the PAO, if the general public is invited to attend or to participate.
13. Complete and send to JBER Life the ERSC Community Action Committee (CAC) slides by the published deadline and present at the monthly meeting.
14. With the Membership Chair, create and maintain ERSC information Board at the JBER Newcomers’ Briefing.
15. Email opportunities to all members a applicable
16. Publicize all military support activity events at the EXECUTIVE Boards discretion.